Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Excuses Excuses

He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything else.


Soooo, new year, a lot of people are ready to start getting fit, the gyms fill up with the newbies with their new trainers and gym clobber. By the end of Jan the regulars are still there and the newbies are nowhere to be seen. I don’t judge people for it; at least they are doing something positive in the first place.

It’s bloody hard to stay motivated and although people think I am super motivated all the time, I’m not. My mum has always said that I can find an excuse for anything, be it spending money (I REALLY need those new shoes even though I can’t afford them), eating badly (come on ladies, we have all eaten that chocolate bar (or three) and said, ‘what!? It’s that time of the month’ or even worse, ‘It’s ok to eat these chips because I’m going to the gym later’), but we all know the best excuses we come up with are for not going to the gym (or any other type of exercising) and not eating right.

I have been trying to get back in shape post Adam and although I have managed to get to the gym, there have been many MANY times when I have been met with a number of excuses not to go to the gym, too many to list here... I have total devil v angel going on in my head. Here’s a classic example…

Angel Kirsty – Come on, the kids are in bed, let’s go to the gym!
Devil Kirsty – Yeah, but I’ve had the kids all day and corrie is on and I’ve not had my tea yet and I’m tired…
Angel Kirsty – But its one hour out of the day, come on!
Devil Kirsty – Yeah, but it’s not an hour is it, I’ve got to go upstairs, get changed, drive to the gym, it’s raining, it’s dark, Made in Chelsea is on after corrie, my iPod isn’t charged (and I can’t exercise without music don’t you know), I’ve not got cold water in my water bottle (I refuse to drink luke warm water), I’M TIRED….

By the time I’ve gone through this rigmarole I could have done a workout and been on my way home J

I’m sure you have all been there (if you haven't, tell me your secret).

So what is the key to getting over this? I think it’s all about planning (which I am particularly bad at, in fact, 2014’s New Year’s resolution is to be a better planner, in all aspects of my life). The way to combat most of the excuses in the scenario above would be…
  • Have my tea earlier (I normally wait for Matt to come home from work so we eat together (normally about 8pm) but to make it work for me I’ll eat with Isabelle instead now and have an early tea).
  • Sky plus the programs you watch. Modern technology rocks J
  • Get my gym stuff on while Izzy is getting ready for bed then it’s on and can no longer be an excuse.
  • Tiredness – now, I may be tired, that is true, but I’m one of these where I’m tired until I get to the gym.  Once I’m there I get in the zone and I’m happy and that feeling of achievement afterwards (and let’s be honest, smugness, that’s why we all check in at the gym, come on) and once those endorphins kick it, it’s all worth it. I always get a better night’s sleep after a good work out too.
So there, I've confessed, I’m normal and not some superhuman gym bunny that skips to the gym every day! I have the same battles that everybody else has. The reason for this blog is to help me get over these and showing you that it is possible. No going back now Kirsty, eek!

Tomorrow I am off to see Esther for stats and ‘before pic’ (when the fun officially begins). I’ll confess now, today has been like the last supper… if a last supper consisted of jelly tots, chocolate fudge cake, mums roast potatoes… the list goes on! But from tomorrow, the transformation begins and I will be eating like an angel…

Follow us on Twitter @kirstycollin @EssTransformsU
Or follow Esther on Facebook Transform Personal Training for offers and classes in the South Manchester area

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